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Race APE Story

I ran an automotive club for over 13 years. Five years prior, I attended car shows and my club was designed to welcome all those, that had a passion for the industry. Working in the Automotive industry for 10 years plus, currently. When I entered these shows from local shows, high end shows and National shows.  I noticed, the cars they drove had no representation on their shirts. At the time, I own a Dodge Neon. Not many shirts were available and even to this day, they still aren't.  But if I had such a garment, I probably would have been a little more inspired.

I love cartoons and back in the days, there was always a gorilla that would be the mechanic. The gorilla was the boss and his monkeys were his techs. The gorilla character represented a strong sense of automotive greatness. Knowing the in's and out's to repairing anything that was broken.

So the idea came about, to why not create a clothing brand, that truly represents what we love. The building of a project, the late nights, the fellowship and blood sweat and tears, in a society that is overlooked. Building a car and piecing the parts that you want to upgrade your vehicle, is and will always give a person a bit of pride, once its complete. I was tired of seeing rock bands on t-shirts at local meets and car events.  Had nothing to do with the scene, all because, no brand existed. 

I saw a need and here it is. We all love our cars, trucks, ATV's and etc. why not wear our passion?!  So Race APE was created.

Race APE, is the automotive clothing line for the shirt or hoodie you always wanted, but could never find!

- Chris Lawrence, Owner of Race APE apparel